Ever thought about a live karaoke band? All your questions answered!
4 min. read
Finding great wedding entertainment or an awesome party band can be a total minefield. There’s just so many different styles to choose from and so many incredible acts out there that you could be forgiven for feeling a little bit lost in it all. Plus, you want something a little bit different – something that makes your event really stand out.
Well you’re not alone. There’s a growing trend in function entertainment for acts that step outside of the standard conventions of live music – an act that ensures an interactive, enjoyable, high energy experience that your guests will never forget.
Well, if you’re after evening entertainment that’s truly unique for your wedding reception, or corporate entertainment that’s really going to get the party started, we think we’ve got the perfect booking for you.
One word.. Bandeoke.

What is Bandeoke?
Okay, so you might be thinking, ‘Karaoke? Bit cheesy, isn’t it?’. And what is bandeoke anyway?
In your mind, you’re probably imagining a traditional karaoke setting of tacky holiday beach bars, cheesy backing tracks and a vaguely creepy DJ whose put away a few too many complimentary pints.
But take away all those elements, and what you’re left with is pretty fun, right?
Live Karaoke, or ‘Rockaoke’, throws all the tired old stereotypes straight out the window and brings karaoke crashing into the 21st century.
Ever wanted to be the lead singer of an awesome band, even if it’s just for one night? With a Bandaoke act, you can do just that!

So, how does it work?
It all starts with the band.
When you book a top-level bandaoke act, you book a professional live band fronted by a fantastic lead singer. This is key to ensuring that your night carries that same watermark of quality that you’d expect from any professional function act. The lead singer acts as Master of Ceremonies, singing a few tunes, getting people up to join the band and generally getting the party started.
All you and your guests have to do is pick a song, hit the stage and get cracking! You’ll have a TV screen onstage to help you with the lyrics, and the band’s lead singer is always on hand to help should you lose your way! They’ll even sing backing vocals along with you.
It all adds up to an absolute thrill ride of an evening – one that really has the potential to bring you and your guests together.

And here at Tailored Entertainment, we happen to represent one of the country’s most in-demand rockaoke acts…
The Live Karaoke Band
The Live Karaoke Band carry serious pedigree, having been booked for events at Isle Of White Festival, 80’s Rewind Festival and Abbey Road Studios. They’ve provided corporate entertainment for clients including Virgin Atlantic, Mars and Microsoft. In short, you’re booking the very best!
Enquire Now
The band’s catalogue of songs spans five decades of pop music and numbers in the hundreds, meaning there’s plenty of choice for you and your guests.
What’s more, the band are friendly, approachable and fun. The musicians will make you feel right at home on stage, relieving you of any last-minute nerves once you get up there!
Here’s a testimonial from a recent show, where the client was left over the moon with the band’s live show…
You can check out even more of their testimonials on their website, right here.

So, hopefully that question mark over 'what is bandeoke?' has finally been answered right here.
And what on earth are you waiting for?? You can book this incredible live band for events right throughout this calendar year. If you want to chat a little bit more about having The Live Karaoke band at your big event, give us a call! We can’t wait to hear from you.